Electrum Pak DrumLoops

Electrum Pak  DrumLoops Android MultimediaElectrum Pak  DrumLoops Android Multimedia

You must have Electrum Drum to use this!

This is a Drumloops Pak. Download, run, press Install and then uninstall this to save space

Beats include:

BreakBeat loops
DnB loops
Glitch Loops

Use Electrums Loop Fit BPM feature to come up with new mixes!

1.1.0: Now Media player wont see the samples and try to load them

App Specification

  • App Name: Electrum Pak DrumLoops
  • Rating: 3.84
  • Apk: electrumSamplePack4.Pack4
  • Cost: Free
  • Developer: http://nikotwenty.webhop.net/