Feed Me

Feed Me Android News & MagazinesFeed Me Android News & Magazines

FeedMe pushes feed stories to your phone in realtime using PubSubHubBub and Google C2DM.

FeedMe is an RSS/Atom Feed Reader that updates within seconds of publishing.

It saves time, bandwidth, battery and money by listening for changes, instead of mindlessly polling for the whole feed repeatedly.

FeedMe supports the Pub Sub Hub Bub protocol using Google Cloud To Device Messaging.
For feeds that do not yet publish to a Hub our servers poll them for you costing you nothing. We push the changes when they happen.

Consider a News feed that has around 100 stories changes every minute:

Other readers will poll this 50K feed every 5 minutes and consume 14Mb of data per day, with 80% of stories late.

FeedMe pushes you the 1K headlines using only 1Mb a day, with hot news in real time.

Keywords: Realtime, Push, PubSub, PubSubHubBub, PSHB, C2DM, Atom Reader, RSS Reader, Feed Reader, News Reader, Froyo, Gingerbread

App Specification

  • App Name: Feed Me
  • Rating: 3.46
  • Apk: net.xpdeveloper.feed2phone.android
  • Cost: Free
  • Developer: http://xpdeveloper.net