Ohms Law

Ohm’s Law Android Books & ReferenceOhm’s Law Android Books & Reference

Two common calculators for electronics/electrical use:

Ohm's law calculator/Watt's Law calculator: figures any 2 unknown values given 2 known values

Resistor calculators: figures bands given value or value given bands. For 3, 4, & 5 band resistors

* Preferences/lock functions allow values to either autorange to appropriate SI units or remain fixed

* Resistor calculator automatically determines 3, 4, or 5 band

* Clean, intuitive interface

+ Add standard value checking to resistor calculator

App Specification

  • App Name: Ohms Law
  • Rating: 4.39
  • Apk: RedBinary.OhmsLaw
  • Cost: Free
  • Developer: http://www.RedBinary.com