Youtube guide & demo:First time to start Karaoke program Using Karaoke program song, input MST/Key Code Hi-End Professional Karaoke Player, with high quality sound like…

Ray Dialer

Ray Dialer

A dialer app. Use 0-9 to find contacts with Mandarin,Cantonese,ChangJie & Phonetic. Support Portuguese,Spanish,German,Russian&Greek. No Ads and never Paid. Donations are welcome on application website.…

Chinese Mahjong Trial

Chinese Mahjong Trial

how to buy? Welcome to a game that enjoyed a vogue in 1200 years and several billions of people. Full touch control, easy and…

Cantonese keyboard

Cantonese keyboard

Tra/Sim Chinese IME by Hong Kong Govt Cantonese Romanisation convention HK chars8 keyboard layoutsSelection historyLearning related wordsAssociated phrasesEng suggestionHard keys support Open by:1.Check the keyboard…



CangJie, Quick, Cantonese, Chinese Input倉頡, 速成, 廣東拼音 中文輸入法 特點- 按鍵大- 反應快- 即裝即用, 無需額外安裝字庫- 兼容實體Keyboard- 輕鬆切換中文及English 安裝後請1. 到Settings->Language & Keyboard -> 剔了RCInput2. 在任何輸入格long press->Input Method->RCInput 有甚麼問題可寄email給我…