Newsweek Mobile

Newsweek Mobile

Passionate about the news? Get in-depth insight and analysis into the most significant issues of the day with NEWSWEEK’s opinion-leading stories from the most influential…

Drawing on its award-winning original journalism, NBC News heritage, trusted sources and Microsoft’s advanced technologies, presents compelling, diverse and engaging articles and videos for…

St Paul Pioneer Press

St Paul Pioneer Press

The Pioneer Press – with its familiar bulldog brand – reflects the journalism excellence, distinctive personalities and tenacious, loyal and dependable spirit readers and advertisers… - Drawing on the award-winning original journalism of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News, the Android app presents compelling and up-to-the-minute articles,…

Time Mobile

Time Mobile

Time magazine, the most influential weekly, has the world history library, said.Reading TIMEs trusted journalism anytime, anywhere just got easier for Droid users.Stay connected…

Sharp Teeth Movie

Sharp Teeth Movie

Toxic heavy water from a universitys nuclear reactor leaks into its nearby nature reserve marsh changing the local fish. Luscious Lola Dent, mature journalism student…



Enjoy the award-winning journalism of The New York Times on your Android smartphone, free of charge. Get the news, even offline. View in portrait or…