Android Status

Android Status

Monitor your android status. It features.CPU Memory usage .Process List.Mobile Network information.Internet Connections.Network Info (IP Address, Gateway, MAC Address).Wifi Status.Battery Status.Storage(SD Card) Usage.Routing Info./proc Viewer…

Android Status Ad Free

Android Status Ad Free

Monitor your android status. It features.CPU Memory usage .Process List.Mobile Network information.Internet Connections.Network Info (IP Address, Gateway, MAC Address).Wifi Status.Battery Status.Storage(SD Card) Usage.Routing Info./proc Viewer…

tegrak lagfix

tegrak lagfix

GalaxyS SHW-M110S, GalaxyS GT-I9000, GalaxyK SHW-M130K, GalaxyU SHW-M130L, GalaxyTab SHW-180S lagfix application. It only works on tegrak kernel. TEGRAK Kernel build 13 start to support…

tegrak lagfix donation

tegrak lagfix donation

GalaxyS SHW-M110S, GalaxyK SHW-M130K, GalaxyU SHW-M130L, GalaxyTab SHW-180S lagfix application. It only works on tegrak kernel. TEGRAK Kernel build 13 start to support VOODOO Sound…