

Send SMS with your comfy desktop keyboard through your phone. Install the app and go to www.txty.mobi to get started. Version 1.1.0 beta* added sharing…



CangJie, Quick, Cantonese, Chinese Input倉頡, 速成, 廣東拼音 中文輸入法 特點- 按鍵大- 反應快- 即裝即用, 無需額外安裝字庫- 兼容實體Keyboard- 輕鬆切換中文及English 安裝後請1. 到Settings->Language & Keyboard -> 剔了RCInput2. 在任何輸入格long press->Input Method->RCInput 有甚麼問題可寄email給我…

KeyPro Android Trial

KeyPro  Android Trial

Bluetooth® keyboard manager. Process text input wirelessly using your compatible QWERTY & QWERTZ SPP keyboards. Supported keyboards: ThinkOutside Shasta, Freedom Pro, Freedom Universal (I &…