Temp in Luleå

Temp in Luleå

Temp in Luleå displays the current temperature in Luleå, Sweden as a widget or a notification. This application is not very fun unless you live…

Crazy elves

Crazy elves

Crazy elves is in a fun and exciting game to play color piece,The different color pieces combination and layout to make the game more interesting,…



Exercise your brain and enhance your memory. Simple game that almost anyone can play. View the initial layout of the tiles and try to, as…



哇,小秘密来此报到了,糗事儿算是我的同门哥哥吧,请大家多照看一下小辈. 在小秘密里面,顾名思义,肯定有很多很多的秘密,有些很有趣,有些很有意义.当然您还可以发布你自己的秘密(小心被那位看到啊). 小秘密是一款拥有几万用户的iPhone程序, 现移植到Android平台, 功能会逐步添加. 目前秘密还没有开放开发包,所以功能还很简单。一旦开放开发包,我会尽快完善所有的功能,依旧免费提供给大家! 谢谢大家的支持! *********更新********* 1. 增加Android 2.2的Move to SD功能;2. 兼容Android 1.6版本以上机器 *********结束********* Recent changes:Fix layout issue