Lingopal Danish Lite

Lingopal Danish Lite

Lingopal Danish Lite gives you essential translated phrases including audio. Great for backpacking, business travel, multi-cultural living, and getting yourself into and out of trouble…

Lingopal Finnish Lite

Lingopal Finnish Lite

Lingopal Finnish Lite gives you essential translated phrases including audio. Great for backpacking, business travel, multi-cultural living, and getting yourself into and out of trouble…

[중급LC]SmartTEPS Lite스마트텝스청해

[중급LC]SmartTEPS Lite스마트텝스청해

출퇴근 시간, 등하교 길 등 자투리 시간을 활용한 알찬 텝스 학습◆◆◆ 스마트텝스 시리즈의 특징 ◆◆◆★서울대에서제공한 3만여TEPS문항중6세트 총 1200문제를 엄선하여 제공★정답률을 기준으로 중급,고급으로난이도별 구분하여 실력에맞게학습★영역별,파트별로 집중적으로…

Voice Comm Lite

Voice Comm Lite

Voice Comm is a scifi inspired voice activated communicator app. Spoken commands will result in sound effects and speech output. The Lite version has limited…