OnOff Widgets Pack

OnOff Widgets Pack

This widget pack contains next toggles:- AirplaneMode- APN- AutoRotate- AutoSync- Bluetooth- Brightness- GPS- LockScreen- Network 2G/3G[shortcut]- ScreenTimeout- SilentMode- WiFi ADD WIDGET TO THE HOME SCREEN!!!…

Bluetooth OnOff

Bluetooth OnOff

Simple Bluetooth toggle widget (1x1).Allows you On/Off your Bluetooth with only 1 click. RE ADD WIDGET ON HOME SCREEN AFTER INSTALL. v2.5.1- awd layout fix…

2G-3G OnOff

2G-3G OnOff

2G-3G OnOff - simple widget(1x1) for changing network mode Its shortcut(blame google for that) for network system settings which allows you change 2G-3G and data…