GRE Buddy

GRE Buddy

GRE Buddy makes it super easy to master SAT, GRE Vocabulary. It has 5000 Words and works great for GRE,SAT,LSAT,GMAT, MCAT,ACT,TOEFL,IELTS. And thanks for da…

myTextSpeed Donate

myTextSpeed Donate

myTextSpeed is a simple game/tool to test your texting skills/speed. Some features include: online challenge, custom text to practice your texting, random words so that…

Word Helper

Word Helper

This app will tell you all the possible words you can make out of given letters. Choose optional starting/ending letters for the words. Use *…



myTextSpeed is a tool/game to test your texting skills using the onscreen or physical keyboard. It measures how fast (in WPM/CPM) you can text random…