FaceTwitt FaceBook Twitter

FaceTwitt FaceBook Twitter Android SocialFaceTwitt FaceBook Twitter Android Social

** Please, if you have trouble or issues, email the developer before posting negative feedback! Making the widget look horrible to others doesnt fix any problems or help anyone out who enjoys using it! The developer is very responsive and will try to help resolve any issues! **

What do users say about FAceTwitt: ...better than any other I have used including friendstream ... -lofdog21

FriendStream Killer! Once you use FaceTwitt, you wont go back! FaceTwitt works on almost every phone! FriendStream ONLY works on certain HTC models!

Facebook & Twitter United! This app combines both Facebook and Twitter in one spot on your home screen. This isnt a full blown app, but it has a ton of features and works awesomely! How many times have you wanted to see both your facebook and your twitter feeds in one place without going to separate apps? Now you dont have to, with FaceTwitt! Rocking out the social media scene, with updates regularly and new features planned and coming soon!

This is a WIDGET! Add it to your home screen!

Fixed Battery Drain!

* http://FaceTwitt.me

Send tweets to your twitter friends about your Angry Birds high scores! Update your Facebook status to let people know about the awesome Groupon deal you just got!

FaceBook and Twitter feeds united! Post to Facebook or Twitter!
Like/Comment on Facebook posts! Retweet a Twitter!
Click on the FaceBook or Twitter photo on the left for actions!
FaceBook and Twitter!!

App Specification

  • App Name: FaceTwitt FaceBook Twitter
  • Rating: 2.41
  • Apk: net.welchtech.facetwittbanjo
  • Cost: US$1.50
  • Developer: http://www.facetwitt.me