
Lyrics Android Music & AudioLyrics Android Music & Audio has a huge database of lyrics.

Search songs by keywords inside the lyrics or by artist name. Share music lyrics on the web.

Tight integration with the android music player. When the song change it automatically download the lyrics and notifies you in the top bar. To disable music player integration just press menu and go to "preferences".

Quickly browse all artists by name. Once you click in one artist it will show all song lyrics in a list.

Another cool feature is the "Top Lyrics" button, where you can see the top songs that people have been bookmarking in the past day.

Bookmark songs and have them handy for later. Also comment on song lyrics and rate your favorite ones.

Lyrics for all music tastes including Rock, Pop, Country, Hip-Hop music.

Android Lyrics is provided by "Coco Lyrics". All lyrics, songs and music are property of the respective authors, artists and labels.

App Specification

  • App Name: Lyrics
  • Rating: 3.02
  • Apk:
  • Cost: Free
  • Developer: