

CangJie, Quick, Cantonese, Chinese Input倉頡, 速成, 廣東拼音 中文輸入法 特點- 按鍵大- 反應快- 即裝即用, 無需額外安裝字庫- 兼容實體Keyboard- 輕鬆切換中文及English 安裝後請1. 到Settings->Language & Keyboard -> 剔了RCInput2. 在任何輸入格long press->Input Method->RCInput 有甚麼問題可寄email給我…

1stAppInstaller pro

1stAppInstaller pro

=notice:same as eoeAppInstaller==-fix bugs at 2.2(Froyo)-no ads-2009.09.10:fix bug for delete file-2009.08.25:add app icon,name,version info-add chinese UI message..-updated to version 1.5 SDK.eoeAppInstaller list all your .apk…

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is a famous and influential novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. It was published in London, England in 1847 by Smith, Elder &…

App Installer

App Installer

Install apps saved on your SD Card fast and easy. Full file manager included. *Read Changelog* *Create New Directory*Search Files*Delete Files*(Un)Zip Files*Filter Files*Multi-Select Files*Email Files…